SERPs. Page Rank. Root Domains. Key Words. SEO has changed dramatically in recent years, and you need someone who has kept up – a digital whiz who can optimize websites, deliver awesome UX, maximize page speed and craft 10X content.

You need someone who has the ability to analyze performance data for guiding benchmarks and strategies; someone who has an understanding of best practices that continuously evolve. You need someone like me.

Black hat SEO techniques like keyword stuffing no longer fool modern search engines that are now fueled by complex algorithms, and I would expect, eventually, by AI, NLP and NLU. Search functions are geared toward searcher intent and so must your content be. As an expert in SEO optimization, I craft content to answer your target audience’s questions. I put you front and center, turning intent into visitors and visitors into customers.


  • SEMrush SEO Toolkit for Advanced Users, 2020
  • SEMrush Technical SEO, 2020

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